
Thursday, April 16, 2020

My high jack comics

On monday the lockdown on the third week i was getting tired of doing nothing except my homework
i wonder if i could make my own comics.i told mum and she said that's a good idea and i named the comics mr high first comic was like about a stickman challenge and my favorite comic out the six i made was of course the tails of the truler.and i learned bout that is not so hard to make these kind of comics my new goal for home is to get the season 1 done before lockdowns over.😁


  1. This is great Dylan! I love how you have been able to find something that makes you excited! I am wondering if you could make a movie of you talking about these comics to tell us the story? You could put a picture on each slide with some voice recording. Or you could put the pictures into wevideo and record over them in there to make a movie! Exciting! 😎

  2. Cool idea Dylan! Did you enjoy doing the drawings? The way you have presented them on blue with a white border is very creative! I would be very keen to see more of your comic work!

  3. What a great idea Dylan, I know that you like drawing, so making comics during the lockdown period will keep you really busy and entertained.


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