
Thursday, April 30, 2020

My flying kite

On thursday level 3 30th  april i was finally doing my kite and getting it to fly because it was a task
to do mum and i went outside with my kite and we tested it before the video to see if wind
directions are good. then it was video time and photo but when i was flying it at first it was good as
but now in the video it's gone blaaaah didn't wanna fly today but tomorrow where doing the
rockets task. i learnt that you need to wait for the right time to fly your kite. i enjoyed making
my kite with mum and trying to fly the kite when i practice. and i'm still wondering about i buy
a four wheeler and do oscar's idea by tying it to the end of the motorbike and gun it.


  1. Hi Dylan,
    Bella and I made two kites, we have been struggling with the wind too. We will keep trying aswell. I like the idea of tying it behind a 4 wheeler motorbike.

  2. Hi Dylan, I love your captions on your kite photos. They really brought the pictures to life! I am glad you and your mum both had some fun doing this project. Good luck when you get a windier day.

  3. I am glad you enjoyed this activity Dylan! Looks like you made a superb kite! I am sure you will get it to fly! Love you photos too - a picture paints a thousand words! 😉


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