
Monday, November 16, 2020

spca visit

on thursday we went to the spca to donate all of our money from shop day. when we got we saw 
a dog called panda becuase it had dots that where blacky orr browny and he was a white dog.
we sat down on a tarp and we all got told some tricks opening the door of gate. and how you
can feed dogs and how you can train them tricks. then bella and kaycee shared there genius 
hour and some people showed the manager there puppie in danger poster.

Friday, November 13, 2020


armisticeday is when the truce was called in ww2 or ww1 i think ww1. on the 11 month of the 11 date 
and the 11th time on wednesday our class tawirimatea where celibreating armisticeday. when were doing it i was soldier with some other of my friends. we went in marching and then we were getting put into adis's
and then we where doing some songs and then speches and then we marched back to class then theo said 
we have to go back down.

Friday, November 6, 2020

dads birthday

on the 5th of november it was my da's birthday i was pleased to see him have a nice birthday 
but the one thing that stoped having the most good'ed birthday was he had to go to work
early and he only had 1 cup of tup 3 movies and that was at like 2:00. 
when dad got to work he had to do some stuff at work he wanted to go out to a wool
shed but murrey too much rain mate. whne dad home i got him a present of one of my 
cardbord trucks it was a logger. my dad was not happy about cody not giving nothing.

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Museum trip

1. The 15th of thursday october today we went to the museum. i came in the limo with 
corbyn khan and declan when we got there it was morning tea time but since us in the limo
JUST got there we did'nt get morning tea but ok.

2.  when we entered a lady walked us into 
the main way where we introed our self and talked about mouri coltur's and what we are doing
today. then we got a pencil and a clip board with a paper with stuff on it saying where
this and that is. theo noah and i went around looking for the objest's we found 4 of them 
sooooo... easyley that then we went to a nother room to find the other 2 but i found 
out 1 of the object's where in the other room then i found it was in the other room that we where 
already in. 

3.we came back and talked alot about voege across the sea's. then we went into
a flatabel bubble thingy that we watched two movies in and looked at some star's and saterlight's
on the number 2 movie it was said because the pig rolled over and fall of the waka and died
when the wave went over. then when we got out we made little waka's out of string carbord
fabrack and spruce log and skuwers. after we when for a big look around the whole place
and then that was it time to gooo.... back in da limoooo.

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

DLO digetol learning object

today and yestaday we have been making some voki or any thing DLO a DLO is 
digital learning object i did a voki guy he's called david cameron but i call
him stu stu the uc unit. i like doing these voki but i recken that were only doing 
a little bit of voki. 

Monday, October 12, 2020

math grid term 4 2020

this is my 2020 term 4 math grid

we are all trying to get every one to get 100/100 in math grid but for me im now
getting so goooood at math grid here. iv'e benn getting 100/100 many times 
last term and and this term im a try hard and get the amount's of 100/100's
that i can in my mind i say that every time i get 100/100 that's 1:50 dollars 
that i can aparintly pay for 3d.

goals of the week term 4

here is the term 4 goals of the week.

the goals of the week term 4 is my last one at makaraka school
because im a year six and im leaving makaraka so it's my 
last one but i'll know to do some of the stuff the slide to use 
at my new school. mrs hall says that term 4 will be soooo busy
with swimming and athletics and a lot of stuff on that i also don't 
realy know. 

Friday, September 18, 2020

The upcoming shop day 

on the 22nd of september there is a makaraka school m.a.p.s shop day where 
there will be dog treats that i will buy and bird feeders that i will buy and 
cat treats rabbit treats and horse treats. our group the investagors was ment
to make the bird feeders but the whole class did. now in the class the bird
feeders smell like crunchy nut. i thing my dogs are gonna like the treats

and my bird will like bird feeder.

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Our teams valeules from m.a.p.s.

this is the valeues that my team and i made that mrs hall said we have to do. and i did the well being 
noah did the actions and william got theo out from doing the attitude. sooo william did the attitude
but wee where conplaning for 13 mineutes doing the we valeue sign at the top!

Friday, September 4, 2020

inviro center

On the 27 of august tawhirimatea and tanemahuta went to the inviro center and we were doing 
some activeites like bee's wask wrapper's and the healty lucnch boxe's and trying the vegie's.
my favorite was the food maker's place because they were doing a good job at doing there job!!

Thursday, August 27, 2020

M.A.P.S makaraka animal pretective shelter

So our class has made our 3rd company called M.A.P.S makarakak animal pretective shelter.
and the company is a shelter for animals and where my group is the investagors and we just 
case about someone putting there dog in the car and leaving it there.

Friday, August 14, 2020

Video from we video

This is the video we made about the rockets we made this vid for showing what our jobs are in
T.E.D lab my job i went to do the thank yous at the end. danny kicked it off with the intro
danny did say mine was too long so we had too cut it.

Thursday, July 23, 2020

maths grid term 3 2020

This is my new term 3 grid for my maths in grid. today my score was 74 next time i will try and get
a higher number and i will get to my 9s and 8s first then go to the top line and then easy numbers
i just have to watch out on taking too much time on my 9s and not do the easy numbers.

Monday, July 20, 2020

goals of the week term 3

today is week 3 and my goals of the week is on my blog the goals are about learning things and a bout
talking about goals. i enjoyed talking about my holidays and  im wondering about the goal next week
the task tomorow is to do my learning map thing is to get my  work done in time

Monday, July 13, 2020

Pubg Airdrop

in the holidays I had enough of making comics I was going to go another two weeks without doing comics and then I started to think about using all the cardboard I have. I was watching YouTube and I watched a guy play pubg and then I saw him open the drop and I thought about making the pubg drop out of my cardboard. so I snuck into my mum's painting draw's can I took the red and blue test pots.
so I cut out some squares out of my cardboard I made them into a box I got a piece of paper cut it out into a square and painted it blue then got some black wool and put them over just like the Air drop
and I made my AirDrop I started playing with my Lego men and played with them just like pubg.

Friday, July 3, 2020

Morals rocket reading

The morals rocket reading is a thing that mrs hall made for us to read some on the morals reading
and put it on the goolge drawing that your group made for it.i read all the rocket morals and
put them on a slide but danny had made a second one to do and we deleted that one and the
morals i red on danny's one.

Whats the wheather 3

The whats the weathere slides is a slide that tells you about where the wind is going in derection's
yestoday we had to make a grid template about where the wind is going on a derection.
there is 4 NW and that was the most.

Tuesday, June 30, 2020

T.E.D lab launch anime 3

today is the day I have made number 3 and finished it and put it on my blog number 3 of the Ted lab launch animation. I like the animation because at the end or the policeman come in and blow up the ending Noah went on it yesterday and help me out with a little bit Theo was away so we could not go on it. the animation provides one of the workers littering all of his rubbish in the room and does not pick it up any wait for the boss to pick it up blow it up.

Art project

So this is my art that i made when it was art days this art tells you about tawhirimatia the wind god.
my art has a house grass the wind from the top coming on it and in the wind there is people and moutains in there i put thoses in there because it's mory story's.

Monday, June 29, 2020

Leaf disign

today i am putting the leve on my blog because the leave means what we want to share to mr swann our prisapal. my group has made a letter but this is a leaf about what where learnig about
but this one is about camp it's a leaf of fun i call it. danny and raff desied this and i did a little

Thursday, June 25, 2020

Rocket work on test flight

This slide is a slide of our rocket work on staibilaty test and first stud's on rocket's. and today we did
another test on the rocket but iyve BROKE IT when she was doing her 2nd turn
when raff wanted a turn. and now where going to launch when its before morning tea time
and i hope we can gett a good luanch.

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Tigers Report

today i have put my tigers report on my blog because i hav'nt till last week. in the report
the info tell's you about there aperence and the diet habitat and general fact's.
and i have allso put ptures of cartoon tigers because mrs mill wanted to have in your report a few piture's

Saturday, June 20, 2020

T.E.D lab launch animation 2

today I've decided to make the second ted lab launch animation this one as we all the work is a sick and they won't work in the other day so they made the rocket on their launch day and they actually got to launch it past two of the planets but it's scraped one of them and it was on smoke and then it came crashing down and hit Ronald and Ron died. I enjoyed making this because they had different materials and they actually built it on their launch I just need to wait a few days till I can make number 3.

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

The animation of T.E.D lab lauch cartoon

Today me theo and noah desired to make a animation on our class job Rocket launching T.E.D lab
tawhiri Engineering design I made the slide and Noah and see I went on it after school and we all made it together slide by slide by slide in the animations there is mix up like juma crashing the rocket into Mars and the bottom half of the rocket fell down and crashed on Earth. I enjoyed this animation because it involves working together and making this prototype launch.

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Our rocket story

On thursday last week we were creating our rockets but first we had to plan out find out whos one
we will make and create. and they wanted to do mine but iyve said no but a differint nose cone
so we changed the nose cone to a top of a 2L bottle and we areaded to it and then izzy and iyve
started to make the rocket well me raff and danny started to do our coliting data for our
wind vane. then today me and danny colited the new data and we got our photo with our rocket.

Monday, June 8, 2020

space rocket safty poster

So this is the safty poster that my group made. we disied to make it like this with raf and izzy in it
with there hi-viz's on.

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

At space rockets where a team at the t.e.d lab and we launch prodotipes
like 1.5 leater bottle rockets.
and my job is to be the materials engenair and the test pilot and this my
i.d company profile and i also have a company i.d cart.
when im doing my job im ushily doing pick up paper judy and doing the prodotipes
stuff  but it's only on thursday's we do a rocket launch.

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Maths grid 2020 term 2 rusults

I am trying to get faster and more acurit at my times tables. here is my gragh with my weekly
rusults. I think i am getting better although I am not very good at my 8x tables

i need to get  better at my 8s so i can be better and smart

Monday, May 11, 2020

The new robber comic

On monday i did my new comic of high jack but this one is a kid who robs banks and gets away with it. and in the story the super dudes have awesome powers and cool jets just like fortnite gliders adn
they use radical gems for creating stuff. and when they got there the police were hanging on trees because the kid has a hang machine where you blast them and they get put onto anything around they.
and i learnt from my own self that doing the writing is funnest part of comics. and i enjoyed the pictures
and the backgrounds and the cool upgrades. and i'm still wondering about a where high jack and laser boy got to area 51 base and go undercover with jack o'lantern.

Thursday, April 30, 2020

My flying kite

On thursday level 3 30th  april i was finally doing my kite and getting it to fly because it was a task
to do mum and i went outside with my kite and we tested it before the video to see if wind
directions are good. then it was video time and photo but when i was flying it at first it was good as
but now in the video it's gone blaaaah didn't wanna fly today but tomorrow where doing the
rockets task. i learnt that you need to wait for the right time to fly your kite. i enjoyed making
my kite with mum and trying to fly the kite when i practice. and i'm still wondering about i buy
a four wheeler and do oscar's idea by tying it to the end of the motorbike and gun it.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Bmo the robot friend

On wednesday after the google meeting i had i was doing the get arty with miss moat task it was to
build a robot out of materials from the your rubbish bin or anything you don't want to use.
and i was watching adventure time and i thought i could make bmo so i went through the bin
and i got paper a milk bottle wood and cardboard. the milk bottle is used for the head. the paper is used
for the arms and the face. the card is used for the body.and the wood is used for the legs.
i learned that is not so hard to make bmo im wondering about a ice king but that will be hard.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

My high jack comics

On monday the lockdown on the third week i was getting tired of doing nothing except my homework
i wonder if i could make my own comics.i told mum and she said that's a good idea and i named the comics mr high first comic was like about a stickman challenge and my favorite comic out the six i made was of course the tails of the truler.and i learned bout that is not so hard to make these kind of comics my new goal for home is to get the season 1 done before lockdowns over.😁

Friday, March 20, 2020

S.e.s safty evacuation sevice


   So on a day like no other day our class were disiding what to call our new company
      so we all had to make a drawing and to make it like a logo. so then when everyone
    had made we voted and corbyn's logo won. so we look our slefs back to 1940 when
     world war one was on and we became S.e.s.i work for it and im one of the starters.

  And what we do in s.e.s is that we take younger kids like from a bomed place's and get them
   out of britol and get them into york. Then people were going home and doing resherch
   on what place's have been bomed and they we coming and giving reqest's to us so we
  can descover what is going on so then a worker said that manchester has been bomed
 so we moved the kids to new castle and get them to the billets.

Then days later people ketped taling us where plases have been bomed and were we should
   get the kids to. so then my group we had to come up with all these plans for the trains
 but the captain said that 3 trains have crased and bomed so we had work and work
 Then the air rade siren went up and we had to put our mask's on and wate till it's all clear.

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

how good am i at my time tables?

On monday and wednesday every week we do our times tables. we did it so we can focus on
our accurcy before speed so that we get 100/100 first. i really wanted to get better at my time tables
speshily my 9s. i liked doing the 2s to the 7s. and the 20 times tabble stoud out to me because in
mr milnes class we never did 20 times and i also enjoyed giving them ago.

i wonder if i can beat mrs halls 2.45 by the end of the year?

Monday, February 3, 2020

what am i getting better at this term

Here is my slide about reflections and my goals for the week

On monday we were learning about reflections and our goals.
im doing it because i want to get better in my writing.
and doing this programme stood out to me
i liked writing up on what i liked and my favoriote food was and my
favoriote animal was.
i am exsited for the next post !!

Friday, January 3, 2020



On Christmas eve i really wanted it to be Christmas but i had to wait. then at 9:30 i went
to burger king for breakfast i had the breakfast meal witch is the new York steak out  
and it was nice. then at 2:25 i had to make my Christmas wish list and i put on there 
a new netendo switch with Mario maker 2 more stuffed animals then what i have 
and new toys like new trucks. then at 8:30 i went to bed. then at woke up and went
to mum and dads room and said can i open my presents dad said you can open all of them
so i went to the tree and i oped my first present and it was new trucks and tractor toys 
then the next present was thunder bird two so now i have all of the thunder birds
then the last present was paw patrol all the paw patrol witch i did NOT want but
i had to have so i gave Marshall to my dog manu and sky to poppy my other dog
and zuma to falkor to my oldest dog. 😁 then for lunch at 12:30 we went to 
uncle Tonys and they got me and my brother some more presents i got favorites
chocolate and 70$ and my brother got favorites chocolate a phone and 50$.
then i went home and played with my paw patrol and thunder birds and my stuffed animals.