
Friday, September 20, 2019

ki or rahi

                                   ki or rahi
on Friday we had fun day Friday. and in sport we played ki or rahi. i enjoyed taging the pos and moving around being the taniwha with declan. i falt  challenging to try and hit the bin and to rip the tag's on other people because they were dodging it .next time i will try to pass the ball around when i am traped and to stick my hand out so i can point it at the bin and shoot.


  1. Hi Dylan my name is Lanisi I am from hay park school and I just want to say that the picture of russia vs japan looks so cool.

  2. hi Dylan i like how you shared a photo it is awsome maybe we might play that at our school

    1. hi phersayiz thank you for the comment and ki o rahi id a fun game

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. hay this is so cool graet job by kruze


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