
Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Theo's birthday party

                                              Theo's birthday party

on Sunday 8th it was theo's birthday party and lachie noah william
Jamie Tim theo and kruz coling and theos mum was already there 
then coling went to the shop and got som ice blocks for us.
and i was in theo's mums car with ryan and kruz. we went to pouawa for a swim but we had to get in our togs first so we go
for a snorkel in the water but me noah and lachie didn't have 
snorkels so we played on the sand. we played the biggest buildings
and lachie won then we went up for popcorn. then we got back into the car and drove to Makarori and we had a nother swim but first 
we went in side theos nans caravan and we had sausages. but
then we weren't allowed to go in the water so we went back to theo's house and played hide and seek tag and theo was in then noah had to go home and then me theo and ryan played war when 
every went home and me theo won and then at 4:20 i had to go home.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Kia ora Dylan,
    I do the same job as Mrs Williams in other schools in Tairāwhiti. I used to work in Ruamoko last year!
    What a great idea to write about Theo's birthday party. Remember to use capital letters for the start of a sentence and people's names. Could you create a drawing to add to your blog post?
    Mrs Krausse

  3. Hi Dylan it as fun playing in the big waves


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