
Thursday, October 15, 2020

Museum trip

1. The 15th of thursday october today we went to the museum. i came in the limo with 
corbyn khan and declan when we got there it was morning tea time but since us in the limo
JUST got there we did'nt get morning tea but ok.

2.  when we entered a lady walked us into 
the main way where we introed our self and talked about mouri coltur's and what we are doing
today. then we got a pencil and a clip board with a paper with stuff on it saying where
this and that is. theo noah and i went around looking for the objest's we found 4 of them 
sooooo... easyley that then we went to a nother room to find the other 2 but i found 
out 1 of the object's where in the other room then i found it was in the other room that we where 
already in. 

3.we came back and talked alot about voege across the sea's. then we went into
a flatabel bubble thingy that we watched two movies in and looked at some star's and saterlight's
on the number 2 movie it was said because the pig rolled over and fall of the waka and died
when the wave went over. then when we got out we made little waka's out of string carbord
fabrack and spruce log and skuwers. after we when for a big look around the whole place
and then that was it time to gooo.... back in da limoooo.

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

DLO digetol learning object

today and yestaday we have been making some voki or any thing DLO a DLO is 
digital learning object i did a voki guy he's called david cameron but i call
him stu stu the uc unit. i like doing these voki but i recken that were only doing 
a little bit of voki. 

Monday, October 12, 2020

math grid term 4 2020

this is my 2020 term 4 math grid

we are all trying to get every one to get 100/100 in math grid but for me im now
getting so goooood at math grid here. iv'e benn getting 100/100 many times 
last term and and this term im a try hard and get the amount's of 100/100's
that i can in my mind i say that every time i get 100/100 that's 1:50 dollars 
that i can aparintly pay for 3d.

goals of the week term 4

here is the term 4 goals of the week.

the goals of the week term 4 is my last one at makaraka school
because im a year six and im leaving makaraka so it's my 
last one but i'll know to do some of the stuff the slide to use 
at my new school. mrs hall says that term 4 will be soooo busy
with swimming and athletics and a lot of stuff on that i also don't 
realy know.