
Friday, March 20, 2020

S.e.s safty evacuation sevice


   So on a day like no other day our class were disiding what to call our new company
      so we all had to make a drawing and to make it like a logo. so then when everyone
    had made we voted and corbyn's logo won. so we look our slefs back to 1940 when
     world war one was on and we became S.e.s.i work for it and im one of the starters.

  And what we do in s.e.s is that we take younger kids like from a bomed place's and get them
   out of britol and get them into york. Then people were going home and doing resherch
   on what place's have been bomed and they we coming and giving reqest's to us so we
  can descover what is going on so then a worker said that manchester has been bomed
 so we moved the kids to new castle and get them to the billets.

Then days later people ketped taling us where plases have been bomed and were we should
   get the kids to. so then my group we had to come up with all these plans for the trains
 but the captain said that 3 trains have crased and bomed so we had work and work
 Then the air rade siren went up and we had to put our mask's on and wate till it's all clear.